Section 73


Section 73 Applications and
Sydney Water Tapin™

Whether you’re extending your house or building a block of flats, you need to check in with Sydney Water to see whether your construction is going to be near their water and sewer pipes. 

Sydney Water Tapin

Your first step is to visit the ‘Sydney Water Tapin’ website (it used to be called a Sydney Water ‘Quick Check’) and upload your building plans. This simple, online tool will ask you a few questions and determine whether your work might impact their assets. There are two possible outcomes:

  1. Your work is far enough away from Sydney Water assets and doesn’t need any further assessment
  2. Your work is within a certain distance from Sydney Water assets and you need to submit your plans to a Water Servicing Coordinator

Section 73 Application

If you’re building any of the following, you’ll need to apply for a section 73 certificate before you start building:      

  • dual occupancies or duplexes
  • subdivisions or boundary adjustments
  • commercial or industrial developments
  • residential apartments, townhouses or villas

Sydney Water will assess your application and then provide you with a ‘Notice of Requirements’ outlining what you need to do. It might include ways that you can protect Sydney Water’s assets including relocating pipes on the property or encasing sewer pipes in concrete to protect them.

At All Plumbing and Civil, we’re qualified to perform the construction works as recommended in the Sydney Water Notice of Requirements.

Once these works are finished, you will be given your Section 73 Compliance Certificate. Your local council or authority needs this certificate before you start your development.

Want to get started?

Give us a call to discuss how we can help with getting your Section 73 certificate.
Call Alex on 0400 911 111